K-4 Units
Once we have the rules and expectations down for the lower grades. We move on to personal space so there are less collisions.The game Road Trip is a fun way to learn about your bubble or personal space. We work on their locomotor like skipping, jumping, hopping,leaping,etc. A fun way to incorporate these is with a game called What Time Is It Mr. Fox.
Once they grasp the basics, we can all move on to the fun units. My biggest thing for grades K-4 are the fundamentals that come with each sport. We usually start with Flickerball/football fundamentals. We then move on to soccer and kickball and really focusing on kicking with the dominant foot and the rules of each game. These three units usually get us to mid October, where I usually like to add in a fun Halloween Scavenger hunt and Halloween tag! Once October is over, we usually start up our indoor activities.
For k-1 I like to start a fun game called Toy Story! This is a game where they learn to listen to my voice and learn how to freeze. But more important, they learn their levels (high, medium and low) and different shapes ( wide, straight, angular, & curved). If you ever want to see something funny, just yell “Andy is coming,” and see what they do!!!
Another quick activity that I have added in is the Rock, Paper, Scissors game that also incorporates hopping and teamwork. So fun!
In November we play the game Sink the Ship for k-4. This is a great way to review sticker hand and sticker foot or dominant hand and opposite foot. It is also a game of teamwork and communication. To keep a rhythm of throwing or rolling with the correct hand and foot, we move on to bowling. We go over the proper fingers to use, how many pins and the rules of bowling. The older kids will learn how to keep score for bowling and we all end with a fun week of Cosmic Bowling the last week!
December is for the older kids to improve their fitness goals from the first month of school by doing the Fitness Gram Tests. Sit-ups, pushups, Pacer test and the sit and reach. Once this is complete, they get to enjoy the Rock Wall!
January I have added a fun activity that keeps the kids heart rates up for at least 20 minutes. We talk about their heart rate, how to slow it down with proper breathing and that hydrating after is very important. We also practice how to find out pulse and where to locate the pulses on our body. The NInja Warroir Course is a kid favorite for sure! In the course they work on balance, core muscles, some gymnastics like hand stands, cartwheels, and summersaults.
Another quick activity is the Tic-Tac-Toe with bean bags and hoola hoops! It is a race to see which team will get a tic tac toe first.
The next unit that kids love is Basketball! We take a day to work on dribbling, a day to work on passing, a day to work on shooting and a day to work on offense and defense. I also like to incorporate games that work on these skills. Chicken is a crowd favorite!
Another crowd favorite and my as well is Dodgeball! I like to do dodgeball for a week. First and kindergarten get to do Dodgeball Tag.
By now we are hitting the end of February and starting up Volleyball. We go over the two most important fundamentals, passing and serving. The kids do very well with these, even the kindergarteners! We then move on to playing Beach ball volleyball. I have an oversized beach ball that they cant let it the ground. They can hit it as often as they need in order to get it over the net.
April is upon us and I really like to get outside as often as possible, but sometimes the weather does not cooperate. If we are able to go outside we able to start Wiffleball. If we are stuck inside we play a fun game called Matball.
In May we start our Track unit. The biggest challenge is THE MILE RUN! The kids love this! Also in this unit we do a few relay races with batons.
In May I also give them recess. I truly feel that socializing and learning to play with their freinds is very important.