More K/1 PE
Since the students have learned all of their locomotor skills like skipping and hopping,they are ready to play the fun Mr. Fox game! I encourage all my students to show thier parents or to practice all these skills at home as well!
We are now moving on towards how to throw a ball with the correct hand and foot. I put a sticker on their correct hand and a sticker on their opposite foot. This will help them visualize a bit more on which one to step and throw with. When throwing overhand I tell them "tick-tag-tock" and when throwing underhand it is just "tick-tock." Along with throwing, always comes catching. We usually throw to a partner and sometime we throw into buckets.
The next step is to kick with thier dominant foot. Sometimes this can be tricky since we just went over stepping with the other foot. This is why soccer and kickball come in very handy! The students get their cardio, practice kicking with their dominant foot and learning the rules to the two games.