Congratulations to the 10 Comets inducted to the @KACC4083 National Technical Honor Society.
Please make plans to see the middle school production of " Gooney Bird Greene and Her True-Life Adventures" tomorrow night beginning at 7:00 P.M. in the Harold and Jean Miner Auditorium. Tickets at the door are $7.00
Congratulations to Gianni Panozzo and Hunter Hull with wins today at IHSA State Wrestling in Champaign! Both are now Top 12 in the State!
Comet wrestlers Hunter Hull (runner-up at 182 lbs.) and Gianni Panozzo (third place at 145 lbs.) qualified for the IHSA State Wrestling Meet next weekend.
Four Comets qualified as alternates: Evan Cox (126 lbs.), Gage Poyner (138 lbs.), Maxwell Joseph (195 lbs.) and Noah Gomez (285 lbs.).
Order the JL Nash 2022-23 Yearbook online at
You may choose to send in the yearbook form to Nash Middle School office by April 6th. Price: $15.00
2021-22 yearbooks for sale --$12.00
Paramedics have been able to assess all students from the bus incident this morning. Parents have been notified of any concerns. Thank you!
Good morning!
A bus at Chebanse Elementary has run into a parked bus this morning. It appears that there are no injuries ; however; paramedics will be called to evaluate the situation and students that were on both buses. Parents of students will be notified after paramedics have been able to evaluate these students.
Last week the district raised funds for Tyler Shoven. Nash had a 50/50 raffle and all of the buildings had a faculty jeans day along with a student hat day. We are proud to announce that we raised $2479.00 to help out Tyler and his family!
Great crowd for Senior Night wrestling. Also, girl wrestlers from six schools had matches.
Central Wrestling is pleased to
host IHSA Girls and Boys Wrestling tonight. Boys are wrestling on the blue mat and girls are wrestling on the black mat. Great crowd to watch all the participants!
Congratulations to Dr. Matthew Maxwell who was officially hired by the Board of Education as Superintendent of Central CUSD 4 beginning July 1, 2023.
Dr. Maxwell is currently serving as principal of Grant Park High School.
Dr. Maxwell is married to his wife Liz and they have four children.
Welcome to the district!
CHS students and staff dressed in Tyler Shoven’s favorite teams: @ChicagoBears and White Sox gear.
We are all thinking of and missing you Tyler.
Good morning!
Wednesday, January 25 will be an early release day with a 1:30 PM dismissal from Chebanse Elementary and a 2:00 dismissal from the middle school and high school.
Thank you!
Nash 5th grade Beginning Band concert will be February 7th at 7:00pm. Call time for students is 6:30pm. Students should dress in nice concert attire. Keep in mind length for dresses since students will be seated on the stage. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Pendry.
Good afternoon!
Please see the student fundraiser for Tyler Shoven and his family and plan to participate.
Good morning! Just a reminder that there will not be school on January 16, 2023 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
I posted the staff fundraiser for Tyler Shoven and family. There will be a student flyer posted soon on how students can participate too. Sorry for the confusion!
Congratulations to Coach Swigert-Fenton as we learned earlier that she was named The Daily Journal Female Sports Citizen of the Year.
See details for a family presentation on Thursday, February 2, 2023.
Happy New Year ! Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday break. Students will return to school with a regular schedule on January 4, 2023!